Tim O'Toole

Surf-Connection Arbiter

Just a quick introduction for you, I'm Tim O'Toole and am the owner and 'On-Boarding Specialist,' for all things Surf-Connection.

Right out of the gate; You will discover we have a very liberal but strict 'Code of Conduct' Policy on every Surf-Connection platform. Members discover our policies are inclusive, fair, transparent and apply to all members and collaborators unilaterally while using the Surf-Connection platforms.

As such, the final say for membership inclusion, grievances and adjudication of violation at issue rests with me.

My specialty is in interpersonal communication. I enjoy organizing people or groups, whom share at a common connection within their community 'Group Space.'

Members regularly comment and cherish the open communication and my ability to engage and bring members together in their community.

It is my experience that members thrive when engaging others in heartfelt, thought provoking conversations and discussions both on and off the Surf-Connection platform. Most commonly this occurs through; Live streams, Chat and In-person events inspired by requested topics.

This can be all in your community under your brand or simply starting-out using one of our community 'Group Spaces.' Clients find the latter helpful while they are assembling your their community 'Group Space.'